alexa s | class of 2012
Seniors > April 2, 2012

Now that Spring Break is over, the rest of the school year will feel like it’s all happening in fast forward mode…especially for the seniors.  So many tasks and milestones will be  crammed into just a few short months…studying, prom, finals…everything leading up to graduation.  I love having the opportunity to showcase this period in their lives as they transition from one stage to the next.

Alexa found me by way of her brother and sister-in-law whose wedding I photographed this December.  I had just finished their engagement session when Alexa called to book her own session so I was excited to get to know her before the wedding came around too!  Alexa split her session into morning and evening, which made for such different light!  The morning was extremely overcast and we were afraid it would rain.  But by evening, the sun was screaming and we used it to our advantage :)  We started near my own house and ventured into town from there.

Funny story about the image with the blue flowers:  If you’ve ever seen these things you know they often grow near the side of the road.  As in just barely off the blacktop.  I happened to notice them as we were approaching a stop sign and pulled over .  Now, I should mention before I go any further that Alexa’s mom was present and no one was ever put in danger…..but I did have Alexa lay on the side of the road while her mom watched traffic to be sure that our two parked cars gave her enough protection.  So, there was Alexa laying on her back with me standing over her.  We weren’t there longer than a few minutes before we jumped back in our vehicles to proceed to the next spot…when here comes a police car through the intersection.  Luckily, I knew the officer because he said he had just gotten a call about a woman “laying in a ditch” and the concerned passer by thought she was injured.  Oh Boy.  I think that’s the last time I’ll do any shots like that ;)

LOVED Alexa’s natural curls that she had for the evening session…and oh man, is that light pretty :)

Alexa, I hope the rest of your senior year goes quickly!  Enjoy every single second :)

grace at 6 and 9 months
Portraits, Children, First Year > April 2, 2012

Doesn’t she just look like a little doll?!  It has been so fun to photograph Grace over the past year…she has already turned one and that post will follow but I had to catch you up on her earlier sessions first!   We’ve taken each of Grace’s sessions at her home which has the most beautiful light!  I always like to try and so some shots outside but the timing of Grace’s sessions made it a little more difficult to do so.  It was either too chilly or damp…and then when we got a day that we deemed tolerable we found that Grace HATED being outside!  We tried her everywhere and the unfamiliar yard was just too much for her then ;)

Grace’s mom always chooses the cutest outfits for Grace…very girly but not overwhelming.  And pink is most definitely Grace’s color!

Is there anything cuter on a little girl than ruffles on the tush ;)

At nine months, Grace had become more active  and was crawling everywhere!  I love noticing the changes in their actions each time I see them.  Grace was so much more outgoing and playful.   She was also donning more pink ruffles and this time added some girly pearls to complete her ensemble!

Can’t wait to share her one year session…….and it just so happens we got some of her outside!!!  Stay tuned :)

killian is one!
Portraits, Children > March 29, 2012

I think I have THE cutest nephews that ever existed.  They are my middle brother’s two boys and they could not be more different.  While big brother Rogan is a tornado that literally runs from one thing to another, this younger version is anything but.  Killian is quiet.  He is thoughtful.  He’s content and reserved.  But don’t let that fool you…he still has the Curry temper ;)  I love that he’s a snuggler since Rogan was not….from the day he was born, I have made it a goal to get Killian into climbing into my lap and taking a nap with me.  Is there anything better than a kid falling asleep in your arms?!  Killian and I have snuggled many afternoons on the couch while the rest of the family carried on without us :)  It’s been a joke that even with out snuggles, Killian would rather go to anyone else but Aunt Erin!  I’m not sure why but I swear, he picks Tim over me every time!  Now that he’s one, I’m thinking I’ll have to start bribing him for our naps!

Killin celebrated his birthday in January and we waited until February for it to warm up a bit to snag a few images outside.  Who knew if we had waited just a few more weeks, he could have been running around in shorts for his pictures!!!  He was just figuring out how to stand but had no desire yet to walk.  I’m actually wondering how that may change as he learns to keep up with his big brother!  I am in love with his chubby little legs and big blue eyes…and get a load of those incredible lashes!!!!

Much love to our sweet little Killian :)  Can’t wait to see all the new things you will learn and show us in the next year!