April, 2012 Archive
grace at 6 and 9 months
Portraits, Children, First Year > April 2, 2012

Doesn’t she just look like a little doll?!  It has been so fun to photograph Grace over the past year…she has already turned one and that post will follow but I had to catch you up on her earlier sessions first!   We’ve taken each of Grace’s sessions at her home which has the most beautiful light!  I always like to try and so some shots outside but the timing of Grace’s sessions made it a little more difficult to do so.  It was either too chilly or damp…and then when we got a day that we deemed tolerable we found that Grace HATED being outside!  We tried her everywhere and the unfamiliar yard was just too much for her then ;)

Grace’s mom always chooses the cutest outfits for Grace…very girly but not overwhelming.  And pink is most definitely Grace’s color!

Is there anything cuter on a little girl than ruffles on the tush ;)

At nine months, Grace had become more active  and was crawling everywhere!  I love noticing the changes in their actions each time I see them.  Grace was so much more outgoing and playful.   She was also donning more pink ruffles and this time added some girly pearls to complete her ensemble!

Can’t wait to share her one year session…….and it just so happens we got some of her outside!!!  Stay tuned :)